Saturday, April 26, 2014

Sweet Hangovers!

Have you ever wondered why all good things must end? Why we miss certain tele series, why we still miss those game periods, those last days in the school, college, University... why waking up on the last day of the vacation at home is so difficult... Have you felt something about that certain someone when you know they are with you for a limited time, do you  still remember those silent prayers for some heavenly intervention so that you get a few more precious moments... No one forgets them, never... they just don't let us forget them... those sweet hangovers!

I often think about them. Sometimes I fear listening to a certain song, or to watch a certain movie, open the picture folder or even to visit a place. They are just not the same anymore. They "haunt" you and shout at you: "why the hell have you comeback alone, you have changed so much". No, I don't cry, I still smile at those moments. True, I miss them, real bad, but given a choice I would not go back in time and do a few things differently. They are all so perfect, even if they were short.

If we think a little harder, there are just too many of those moments. Some super small, some a little less interesting, some are still in the making, some almost made the cut, some we are just not too sure about but still "we do think about them". Remember fighting for that seat on the motorbike or in the family dining table, or on the regular school bus, or in the classroom or in your cubicle... well, it's not yours anymore or wait it still is, but you just won't care or do you? Would you trade your super comfy couch with that wooden bench in the last row of your class. Not sure, but hell that bench was "something" and you almost see a movie around that bench in your head.

The truth my friend is everything in this word has an expiry date. Look back, and you will realize, good or bad you still miss "everything". The whole life is an experience like no other. Through love, hate, pain and struggle we continuously build memories. Memories that make us who we are. Sweet hangovers, they never leave us!

My friend, it's time to realize why one should enjoy every moment. Every second you spend is similar to sipping a cocktail of drinks. A bit of whisky and a sip of rum, a little beer and some wine. Sip it- bottoms up. Let the glasses collude and say cheers to life. Don't slow down for you are not getting drunk, you are just making sure you have a long "sweet hangover" ie. whenever you WAKE up.