Saturday, December 3, 2011

The making of a change!

It took me almost two years to come back to this page. Lost a fair bit of hair on my scalp and few among the  remaining have turned grey as well. Not sure why with experience the health of the tummy becomes inversely proportional to the health of the scalp...

Mid 20's are exciting times indeed. When you just start realizing that its actually not that difficult to survive outside the boundaries of college, without the home made food and with only a handful of friends! You do respect your dad all through your life but its only after you get your salary that you understand how great he has been. Its the time when you start to have a greater control over your hormones and you tend to start liking things that once you hated (or rather start hating things that you once loved!!). All of a sudden the girl next door seems to be just another girl and you understand that not all the girls out there are born just for you.

May be you are just being a part of the universal metamorphosis- the transformation of a bro to an uncle... from dude to sir... from hey to hello... from beedu to bhai sahab...from Yo to yes... More importantly you leave behind the remnants of that i-give-a-damn teenager attitude. The first time Being logical becomes more important than being practical....

True there are huge differences but I guess this is the time you start "living" your life truly. You start coming out of your innocence and teen whims. You tend to appreciate people instead of being jealous of them. You now understand that life is short and beautiful. That its time to grow out of the cocoon and fly around before your wings grow frail. To give back something to your parents for all that they sacrificed and to start working for the upcoming generation so that they wont have to face all that you did while growing up.

You have started training your heart to suck in more pressure without informing your eyes. You have now realized that dreams don't come true by just waking up, that they need to be pursued & it does take "something" to get them. You have started celebrating small happiness and you have started to learn "to give". You have started saying "sorry" and "Thank you" more often for you have realized that not every one out there does a favor without a reason.

You wish you could do something for the poor and needy. You start praying for others too. You start building your muscles but somewhere within you feel the volcano cooling off. You probably have never looked more handsome but still you have stopped wishing that a beautiful girl should come from nowhere and take a seat right next to you in the plane/train/bus. You sometimes stand and admire a laborer working in the hot sun and pause to think "do I really deserve to be paid more"?  You have now learnt the art of smiling at strangers.

Suddenly being rich is not what you desire, you wish to be successful, be respected and be wowed. You are now not worried about your future or the past. The present is so meaningful and there seems so much to be done and lived for. So many places waiting to be explored and dishes to be devoured. You have again stopped analyzing the quality of the movies and go out just to have some fun & forget the routine. When the Indian cricket team loses you realize they are just as Human as you are and that its OK to lose sometime.

You are no more angry on corrupt politicians and anti social elements, you just pity them.  We have a feeling that we are now approaching an equilibrium in everything : rich & poor, sick & healthy, just & corrupt, failure & success, anger & happiness. You have never been so confident about yourselves before. You now know that things will change thick and fast. Things will just go better. Change is now in the making.  For the boys have now just turned MEN. 


  1. Nice.. well written :).. connects everybody.
    Same is for us girls too.. just that our craving for cute toys has turned to cute shoes and outfits.. :P ;)

  2. This transition period is too good to be felt!!!..Somewhere somehow we all have felt the same way..:)

    Feeling is sometimes worst & frustrating when we are in company of 2010 pass outs, knowing our age and they comment that you dont look so OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!...Confused as to what to feel- Happy or sad!! take it as compliment or comment!!People say you dont look mature while we talk, laugh but when it comes to thoughts and ideologies we start speaking and then they realize shit these people are mature!!! :P Very mature!!! :(..."we should LEARN from them". It was even more embarrassing to realize that people have started considering you when you have just started your life, when you are too facing challenges, and they think that they should learn from us?????Why???...Then a sudden thought strikes---"They are just KIDS, they will also come across these things"..

    God! I just told them KIDS!
    We start liking the company of learned men, friends of our age, our best friends. Analysis of every event, thought in our life & learning from your mistakes becomes an integral part of your life.

    For me, now spirituality have come into picture. I have started looking for meaning - of being religious and being spiritual. Why God is worshiped? Why flowers are being used? Why Idols are being worshiped? When God is everywhere, then why we go to temples??..Why do we go to Vaishnav devi when the same God can be felt everywhere? Why do we take pains in reaching a sacred place and not even finding time to go and help poor and needy???

    All these questions have never crossed my mind. But now I want answers to everything whatever I observe!

    May be it is my transition period from a Girl to a Woman which is making me to reflect on everything in my life! :)

    This article is so well written. :)

  3. Awesome post Chinmay.. Probably its exactly how it feels like at this stage of life :) Keep more posts coming.

  4. Very true this stage of life i just feel the same...Keep up the good work dear..
    Waiting for your next post :)

  5. You have started training your heart to suck in more pressure without informing your eyes"""
    loved this line :) your efforts much appreciated!! :)

  6. Well! I have lived all those moments with you. I understand. Congratulations. Good luck for your future endeavor.
